Six talks by eminent writers and thinkers in the weeks leading up to Easter, exploring how faith and religion interact with different aspects of our society.
Frank Field MP reflects on a society that chooses to root its moral behaviour apart from God.
DetailsSeries of six talks by eminent thinkers. Financial journalist Andreas Whittam Smith explores the temptations of the financial world.
DetailsWell-known figures reflect on the story of Jesus from their own perspective. 5/6: Ann Widdecombe MP meditates on the psychological agony of Jesus on the cross.
DetailsAdvertising guru Chas Bayfield takes the story of Jesus overturning the tables in the temple, to ask questions about the relationship between God and commerce.
DetailsCherie Booth QC reflects on the story of Zacchaeus, and finds in it elements of Restorative Justice programmes which seek to mediate between offenders and their victims.
DetailsWell-known figures reflect on the story of Jesus from their own perspective. 4/6: Human rights lawyer Clive Stafford Smith has represented prisoners on death row.
DetailsSix well-known figures explore ideas of the absence of God from their own perspective. Richard Holloway searches for the reality of God's presence in absence.
DetailsSister Frances Dominica, founder and trustee of Helen and Douglas House hospice, reflects on her experiences alongside children and their families.
DetailsDouglas Hurd puts himself in the shoes of Pilate, forced to choose between the sacrifice of an innocent man and a mass uprising.
DetailsJewish theologian Melissa Raphael wonders what Jesus' cry of abandonment on the cross says about God's absence and how it connects with the experience of many Jews in the Holocaust.
DetailsSix well-known figures explore ideas of the absence of God from their own perspective. Martin Bell reflects on his experience in war zones.
DetailsReflections on the story of Jesus's ministry. Jeffrey John, Dean of St Albans, challenges the idea that suffering is God's punishment for sin.
DetailsWell-known figures reflect on the story of Jesus from the perspective of their own personal and professional experience. 1/6: Jude Kelly, artistic director of London's Southbank.
DetailsSeries of six talks by eminent thinkers. Maajid Nawaz, co-director of the Quilliam Foundation, reflects on pluralism in society.
DetailsWell-known figures reflect on the story of Jesus from their own perspective. 3/6: Writer Mary Loudon challenges society's attitudes to mental illness.
DetailsRev Dr Giles Fraser, Canon Chancellor of St Paul's Cathedral and a tutor of military ethics at The Defence Academy, reflects on the nature of sacrifice.
DetailsSeries of six talks by eminent thinkers. Rev Prof Alister McGrath reflects on the continuously developing relationship between the natural sciences, faith and religion.
DetailsDirector of Liberty Shami Chakrabarti finds uncomfortable similarities between the trial of Jesus and the treatment of suspects in western democracies.
DetailsSr Elizabeth Obbard, a Carmelite solitary at Aylesford Priory in Kent, explores how people's personal faith is affected and shaped by formal religion.
DetailsWell-known figures reflect on the story of Jesus from their own perspective. 2/6: Professor Terry Eagleton argues that self–fulfilment lies at the heart of the Gospel message.
DetailsGeorge Pattison, Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity at Oxford University, reflects on the benefits of God's absence.
DetailsWell-known figures reflect on the story of Jesus from their own perspective. 6/6: Tom Wright, Bishop of Durham, reflects on the interval between Jesus's death and resurrection.
DetailsSeries of six talks by eminent thinkers. Novelist Will Self reflects on the relationship between art and religion.