Six young men have taken on the challenge of a lifetime - to travel the world and compete against the most remote tribes on Earth at their own sports, on their own turf
Six western adventurers compete against tribal champions in remote areas of the globe. The athletes are in Bhutan to learn the national sport of archery.
DetailsSix western adventurers compete against tribal champions across the globe. The athletes take on the locals at the ancient Indian art of Kushti wrestling.
DetailsSix western adventurers compete against tribal champions in remote areas of the globe. In Kamchatka, they take on the locals in an endurance race.
DetailsSix western adventurers compete against tribal champions across the globe. The athletes take part in a two-day canoe race between islands off Papua New Guinea.
DetailsSix western adventurers compete against tribal champions in remote areas of the globe. The athletes try sikaran, a brutal form of kick-fighting.
DetailsSix western adventurers compete against tribal champions in remote corners of the globe. In Burkina Faso, they take part in a brutal inter-village wrestling contest.
DetailsSix western adventurers compete against tribal champions in remote areas of the globe. The lads train with Nepalese Sherpas for a punishing race up a mountain.
DetailsSix western adventurers compete against tribal champions across the globe. The athletes are in Indonesia, driving pairs of racing buffalo along a drag track.
DetailsSix western adventurers compete against tribal champions in remote corners of the globe. In Ethiopia, they take on the deadly sport of Suri stick-fighting.
DetailsSix western adventurers compete against tribal champions in remote areas of the globe. The lads are in a very rainy Brazil to race canoes against the Wauja tribe.