Comedy drama series set in a small junior school. Stars Peter Davison
Newly retired Mr Holliday still manages to influence the smooth running of King Street.
DetailsAn anonymous message for Mr Sims - someone's idea of a joke? Trouble is, the message is not very funny.
DetailsAccusations of assault, a mysterious graffiti artist and Mrs Patterson is 'unwell'. Just another day at King Street.
DetailsChristmas is on the horizon and Mr Sims is elected to co-ordinate school festivities. Pity he doesn't spot the 'banana skin'.
DetailsMrs Rudd champions 'back to basics' in the playground, while Mr Sims has an equally tough challenge to handle.
DetailsMr Chips: There's a school inspection due, but the visitor in the playground is not from Ofsted. With Trevor Peacock as Mr Chips. Episode 1 of 6.
DetailsSettling In: There's new blood in the staffroom and in the music-room, where Mrs Rudd discovers more than music emerging from her piano. Episode 2 of 6.