Comedy drama series set in a small junior school
On a school trip to Calais, it's a member of staff who causes concern rather than the children. With Karl Howman.
DetailsParent Power means troubled times for Mr Sims, while Mrs Rudd falls foul of the law. With Karl Howman.
DetailsA holiday romance, house-moving trauma, lost keys, a badly tuned piano and ferry delays... It's another new year at King Street.
DetailsThere's more to being a teacher than just teaching. For some, it's an opportunity to perform in front of a captive audience.
DetailsThere's crossed swords in the staff room, tribulation for a student teacher and an unexpected bombshell for Mr Beeston.
DetailsThe end of the school year is in sight and Mr Sims comes up with a bright idea for the evening of Sports Day.
DetailsIf only problems could be as easily solved as the new School Governor imagines.