Comedy drama series set in a small junior school. Stars Peter Davison
A new term sees radical plans for assembly. But where have half the children gone? Stars Peter Davison. From February 1987.
DetailsMr Beeston's battle with PTA head Mrs Wicks sparks a new school spectator sport. Stars Peter Davison. From January 1987.
DetailsMrs Rudd wants a new piano, Mr Brown gets an offer - and reports must be written. Stars Peter Davison. From March 1987.
DetailsCuts, a collection - and teacher Eric Brown finds himself in the centre of conflict in the staffroom. Stars Peter Davison.
DetailsAs both pupils and staff get in training, headmaster Mr Beeston gets a cryptic note. Stars James Grout. From March 1987.
DetailsThe arrival of supply teacher Mr West provokes strong reactions in the staffroom. Stars Peter Davison. From February 1987.
DetailsThe Spring Term starts badly for Mr Beeston with no computers and a broken window. Stars Peter Davison. From January 1987.
DetailsThe teachers rejoice over news of a retirement, but trouble arrives for Miss Lewis. Stars Peter Davison. From January 1987.
DetailsTeacher Eric Brown's aspirations for a school day trip soon wither at a museum. Stars Peter Davison. From February 1987.
DetailsAs the school prepares for a concert, Mrs Rudd is on the warpath over a child prodigy. Stars James Grout. From February 1987.