Comedy drama series by Christopher Lee, set in a Carmelite monastery where the brown habit is no protection against the problems and temptations of the modern world
Comedy drama series by Christopher Lee, set in a Carmelite monastery. The Father Prior can scarcely bring himself to admit to what is troubling him.
DetailsComedy drama series by Christopher Lee, set in a Carmelite monastery. Brother Luke has returned from his sojourn in Dublin and irritatingly can't stop talking about it.
DetailsComedy drama series by Christopher Lee, set in a Carmelite monastery. When a famous young artist arrives to paint the pictures for next year's Friary Calendar, tensions arise.
DetailsComedy drama series by Christopher Lee, set in a Carmelite monastery. The Friary needs to reduce its carbon footprint. Bells and books are allowed, but not too many candles.
DetailsComedy drama series by Christopher Lee, set in a Carmelite monastery. Brother Martin's hearing is not as good as it used to be. However, as Mave says, seeing is believing.
DetailsComedy drama series by Christopher Lee, set in a Carmelite monastery. It seems unlikely that the friars would attend an expensive course on How to Look and Sound Sincere.