Animated series based on Rudyard Kipling's classic about the adventures of Mowgli, the boy raised by wolves in the Indian jungle. We follow him as he leaves the pack and learns to survive in the dangerous jungle, constantly at risk of becoming a tasty snack for the evil tiger, Shere Khan. Guided by his trusted friends, Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther, the mancub doesn't always listen to their good advice and ends up in all sorts of risky situations. All the jungle animals are quiet, and it soon becomes clear why. There's an earthquake on its way! The quake causes chaos all over the jungle, especially at the wolves' lair where a rock-fall traps Bala and Lali. Raksha and Daruka do their best to shift the logs, but to no avail. They call on Mowgli, who realises that a little lateral thinking is required... someone needs to get inside to help the cubs out and that someone is Kaa! Can the python be trusted?