Animated series based on Rudyard Kipling's classic about the adventures of Mowgli, the boy raised by wolves in the Indian jungle. We follow him as he leaves the pack and learns to survive in the dangerous jungle, constantly at risk of becoming a tasty snack for the evil tiger, Shere Khan. Guided by his trusted friends, Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther, the mancub doesn't always listen to their good advice and ends up in all sorts of risky situations. It is the night of the Council of Wolves, but the respected leader Akela is nowhere to be seen. Seizing the opportunity, Phaona declares himself leader of the pack and is keen for Akela not to return. Eventually Akela is found close to death after a snake bite, Mowgli volunteers to go and steal some medicine from the man village as this is all they can do to prevent his death, but the evil Phaona has other plans.