Animated series based on Rudyard Kipling's classic about the adventures of Mowgli, the boy raised by wolves in the Indian jungle. We follow him as he leaves the pack and learns to survive in the dangerous jungle, constantly at risk of becoming a tasty snack for the evil tiger, Shere Khan. Guided by his trusted friends, Baloo the bear and Bagheera the panther, the mancub doesn't always listen to their good advice and ends up in all sorts of risky situations. Mowgli borrows Baloo's glasses to watch butterflies, unaware he's being spied on by Masha the Bandar Log monkey, who then pinches them. Masha discovers that by wearing the glasses she has a strange power over the other monkeys who now see her as 'clever'. This goes to her head and she declares herself Queen Masha. Baloo is helpless without his glasses, so Mowgli is determined to get them back.