
Jumbo to Jockey

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Following an overweight middle-aged man, Dominic Prince, as he spends a year pursuing his lifetime ambition to become a jockey. At the beginning of 2008, Dominic Prince was 47 years old, weighed sixteen and half stones and felt his life was churning in neutral. A very pleasant neutral, but neutral nonetheless. As a child he had a dream, to become a jockey and ride competitively. But the dream didn't even come close to being realised - until now, when he decided to give it one last shot. Dominic confronts his mid-life crisis, tries to lose a quarter of his body weight, learns to ride like a professional and seeks to fulfil his dream, 30 years behind schedule. He is put through his paces on a horse simulator at the British Racing School, receives advice from top jockeys and trainers and hears the misgivings of the other stable lads when he turns up for work.