5/5. Like many small boys James Aldred loved climbing trees. Today, he stills loves climbing trees, but as a professional, helping scientists and wildlife filming crews into the canopy to study and film the wildlife there. As well as climbing trees, he loves building tree houses. When he isn't climbing trees, he's dreaming about them and scribbling designs for tree houses on scraps of paper or the back of cereal boxes. So, when he received a phone call inviting him to build a tree house which would be large enough to accommodate at least 4 people for over a month whilst they filmed Red-capped Mangabey monkeys in the forests of Gabon in Central West Africa, he didn't hesitate in accepting the challenge. This is the story of what happened; a terrific Boy's Own Adventure high above the ground in the forest canopy! After a catalogue of disasters, delays, excitements and unique experiences, the last day arrives. After a mammoth effort by everyone involved, work on the tree house is finally finished. Their first visitor is one of the scientists (Richard Ibessa) who is studying the Red-capped Mangabey monkeys in this area. He tells James and Nick that the monkeys have changed their daily routines and begin each morning with a visit to the tree house! James and Nick are sure that as soon as they move out, the monkeys will move in. After all, the tree house could make the perfect luxury nest; complete with a roof! There's just one last ceremony before James and Nick leave the rainforest, involving a whistle, a pair of dancing feet and some reflective thoughts. Narrated by James Aldred Produced by Sarah Blunt.