
James and the Giant Tree House - Episode 2

Logo for James and the Giant Tree House - Episode 2

2/5. Like many small boys James Aldred loved climbing trees. Today, as a professional tree climber, he helps scientists and wildlife film crews up into the canopy to study and film the wildlife there. As well as climbing trees, James loves building tree houses in them. And when he isn't climbing trees, he's dreaming about them and scribbling designs for tree houses on scraps of paper or the back of cereal boxes. So, when he received a phone call inviting him to build a tree house which would be large enough to accommodate at least 4 people for over a month whilst they filmed Red-capped Mangabey monkeys in the forests of Gabon in Central West Africa, he didn't hesitate in accepting the challenge. This is the story of what happened; a terrific Boy's Own Adventure high above the ground in the forest canopy! The first challenge was to find a suitable tree. After several days searching in an area called Petit Luango, James finally finds a suitable tree. With microphones attached to his helmets, he climbs up into the canopy to get a better look at the tree. As he approaches the top, he is suddenly attacked by a swarm of aggressive honey bees. High above the forest floor, he has to stay calm and transfer onto his abseil ropes, whilst receiving some 60 or more bee stings. Back in camp, his entire face and head swells up like a football. He's probably lucky to be alive. Shaken but not deterred, James is determined to continue his search for a suitable tree and build the giant tree house! But things don't get much easier when James and Nick are chased by one large and very fast bull elephant! Narrated by James Aldred Produced by Sarah Blunt.