Comedy drama by Lynne Truss, set in 1950s Brighton. Inspector Steine believes that he has solved the crime problem, but long-suffering Sergeant Brunswick suspects otherwise
By Lynne Truss. 2/6. His Last Review: A famous foppish London theatre critic is found dead in his seat at the Theatre Royal after a performance of a kitchen-sink drama.
DetailsSteine decides to go undercover at the Black Cat Casino, much to Brunswick's profound dismay. Meanwhile, a robbery takes place in the bank.
DetailsComedy drama series by Lynne Truss, set in 1950s Brighton. A famous London theatre critic is found dead in his seat at the Theatre Royal after a performance of a kitchen-sink drama.
DetailsWhen Vince the Ventriloquist moves his booth, he receives threats from an unknown source. But Inspector Steine is more concerned with judging the knickerbocker glory competition.
DetailsIt's the five-year anniversary of the Middle Street Massacre. While Steine ponders on how to celebrate Mrs Groyne's nephew, Brian the Brain breaks out of Broadmoor seeking revenge.
DetailsComedy drama series by Lynne Truss, set in 1950s Brighton. It's the five-year anniversary of the Middle Street Massacre and trouble is afoot.
DetailsSteine falls in love for the very first time when he bumps into Adelaide Vine, the beautiful owner of a fish and chip shop in Oriental Place.
DetailsComedy drama series by Lynne Truss, set in 1950s Brighton. Steine falls in love for the first time when he bumps into Adelaide Vine, the beautiful owner of a fish and chip shop.