
In Touch - 29/06/2010

Logo for In Touch - 29/06/2010

In the latest Blindness for Beginners, Mani Djazmi looks at ways blind and partially-sighted people keep fit. Peter White tells Mani that although he enjoys walking, he finds it too stressful, avoiding objects and other people and says that most ways of exercising involve sighted assistance. Mani meets Richard Lane who shares his passion for tandem cycling, which he does with his sighted pilot Mark. Emma Tracey has found that she can walk briskly with her guide dog and remove the element of stress that Peter spoke of. Tony Shearman invites Mani to his local gym, which has made its equipment accessible for him by using bump-ons to help him locate the controls on the running machines. Mani tires the exercise bike which leaves him almost too breathless to end the programe. Luckily, Tony could oblige.