Chris Ledgard presents a series looking at the lives of people who were labelled child prodigies
Chris Ledgard looks at the lives of people who were labelled child prodigies. He meets Mark Bennet, a vicar who was one of the brightest schoolboy mathematicians of his generation.
DetailsChris Ledgard looks at the lives of people who were labelled child prodigies. Jocelyn Lavin shone both academically and musically at primary school, but cannot find a job.
DetailsChris Ledgard looks at the lives of people who were labelled child prodigies. Demis Hassabis was once the highest-ranked twelve-year-old chess player in the world.
DetailsChris Ledgard looks at the lives of people who were labelled child prodigies. Jonathan Cocking could read Shakespeare and remember long sequences of numbers at the age of three.
DetailsChris Ledgard looks at the lives of people who were labelled child prodigies. David Heigham spent years trying to find out why his schooling failed to fully nurture his talents.