
Hear and Now - 24/01/2009

Logo for Hear and Now - 24/01/2009

In a performance given at London's Barbican as part of the Stockhausen Composer Day, Robert Worby presents the BBC Symphony Orchestra in Stockhausen's meditative work Inori. Written in 1973-74, Inori is based on prayer-like gestures interpreted on stage by a mime and a dancer. The expressive movements, performed by the two silent soloists and drawn from a variety of religious practices, are mirrored in the response of two orchestral groups. Robert is also joined by Stockhausen authority Robin Maconie to discuss the piece. Stockhausen: Inori(68:46) Kathinka Pasveer (dancer-mime) Alain Louafi (dancer-mime) BBC Symphony Orchestra David Robertson (conductor)