Do you have a good sense of timing? If timing is an integral part of what you do, how do you think about time? In this 'composed feature' the theme of good timing is explored through conversations with four people with exceptional timing: professional drummer Dawne Adams, who has played with Lionel Richie and the Pet Shop Boys; Head Chef Brian Fantoni, who currently works in a regional Italian restaurant in London and has previously worked at The Savoy and Claridges; a top ranking squash player and a stand-up comedian. Each of the contributors reflects upon the importance of timing in what they do, how good timing is experienced, how timing can be improved and whether their timing abilities affect other areas of their life, such as time-keeping and time management. Playing upon the rhythmic and tonal qualities of the contributors' observations, composer Nina Perry marries form and content in a radio feature that's akin to a piece of music. Producer: Nina Perry A Falling Tree production for BBC Radio 4.