Documentary series following the Smiths and the Wainmans, two rival clans in the world of stock car racing, who have dominated the circuit for 40 years
A glimpse into the world of stockcar racing. It's the biggest race of the UK stockcar year, and a time for old scores to be settled between the Smith and Wainman families.
DetailsA glimpse into the world of stockcar racing. In the emotional climax of the World Final, a real life story of Romeo and Juliet emerges between the rival camps.
DetailsDocumentary series. It is time for the final showdown between the Smith and Wainman clans. Has Frankie Wainman still got the hunger to beat the Smiths?
DetailsDocumentary series following the Smiths and the Wainmans, two rival clans in the world of stock car racing, who have dominated the circuit for 40 years.
DetailsThe battle between stock car racing's rival families reaches boiling point as the Wainmans accuse the Smiths of cheating. Meanwhile, 17-year-old Georgia Neachell enters the pits.
DetailsA glimpse into the world of stockcar racing. Revenge is the order of the day for the rival dynasties as the Smiths and Wainmans go head-to-head in the European Championships.