
Gardeners' World - 2009/2010 - Episode 3

Logo for Gardeners' World - 2009/2010 - Episode 3

Toby starts planting up the new 'twilight garden' - a garden to escape to in the evening and designed for the busy commuter or time-poor workaholic. Toby adds silver-leafed plants and herbs to soothe and relax, along with white, blue and purple flowering plants that shine in the soft evening light. Carol Klein meets six amateur gardeners, all hoping for a place in her gardening school, which she will be running every week from Glebe Cottage, her home in Devon. Carol wants to find three lucky proteges to teach planting, propagating and pruning skills to over the coming year. Joe Swift begins work on the 'Dig In' gourmet garden, and also meets a young family who need his help and expertise to tame their overgrown suburban garden into a functional and funky outdoor space. Meanwhile back at Greenacre, thrifty gardener Alys Fowler builds a light-box out of next to nothing to coax tender seedlings into growth.