BAFTA award-winning sitcom The Inbetweeners follows four sixth-form friends attempting to navigate the minefield of suburban Comprehensive education, with their hormones at full blast. Co-creator Damon Beesley reveals the sources of the horrible embarrassments suffered by the hapless males at the heart of his show. Playwright Simon Stephens discusses his play Punk Rock which features young actors playing bored and violent A-Level students preparing for their mock exams. Confucius and True Legend - two very different Chinese films - are released in Britain this week: Confucius stars Chow Yun-fat as the Chinese philosopher. The director of photography, Peter Pau won an Oscar for his work on Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. True Legend is a martial-arts extravaganza which features the first 3D kung fu sequences in a Chinese film. Shirong Chen, China editor of the BBC's Chinese Service reviews them. The sculptor Peter Randall-Page talks about managing his artistic career as he unveils a sculpture commissioned by the Art Fund to mark the bicentenary of Dulwich Picture Gallery in 2011. Producer: Gavin Heard.