A new BBC drama series Mistresses focuses on four women, whose occupation appears to be discussing sex at great length. Sarah Parish gives the central performance as Katie, the lovelorn doctor with a terrible secret. The critic Bidisha joins John Wilson to discuss the drama. Liverpool is not the only 2008 European Capital of Culture. It shares the title with the Norwegian coastal town of Stavanger. John Wilson travels to Scandinavia to see what cultural delights Stavanger has to offer. With Amy Winehouse silent for the immediate future, the way might be clear for two new young women - the blond Welsh singer Duffy and the 19-year-old Adele have strong similarities in their singing styles, harking back to Dusty Springfield. The music journalist Laura Barton reflects on the rise of these two young stars. Noah Charney is an expert of the history of art crime and the founding director of the Association for Research into Crimes against Art. His debut novel follows three stolen paintings to Rome, Paris and London.