
Famous, Rich and Homeless - Series 1 Reversions - Episode 3

Logo for Famous, Rich and Homeless - Series 1 Reversions - Episode 3

After a gruelling few days living rough with their homeless buddies, the four are sent to live in different hostels in London and Glasgow, discovering a more frightening and intimidating environment than the streets. Annabel hangs out with former gang members at a young persons' hostel, Bruce witnesses the harsh reality of alcoholism when he stays in a wet hostel, Hardeep struggles to cope with living with hardened drug addicts in his home town of Glasgow, and Rosie experiences loneliness when she moves into a tiny room in a women's hostel. The physical and emotional experience of ten days on the streets has challenged their prejudices and preconceptions of homelessness and the different reasons and circumstances that leave someone without the home life or locked doors that we take for granted. Will it change their attitudes beyond the programme when they return to the comfort and safety of their old lives?