Comedy series following the lives of the staff of Edge Falls Retail Village. Written by Paul Barnhill and Neil Warhurst and starring Sarah Lancashire and Mark Benton
By Paul Barnhill and Neil Warhurst. 1/5. Join Sarah Lancashire and Mark Benton for some consumer therapy as we enter the world of Edge Falls Retail Village.
DetailsBy Paul Barnhill and Neil Warhurst. 2/5. Dickie Doubleday, 'animal man', is booked for a celebrity appearance at the retail village. But Dickie it transpires is barking mad.
DetailsSitcom by Paul Barnhill and Neil Warhurst, set in a retail park. 3/5. Edge Falls is going on a big fitness drive, unaware that one desperate man just wants to return a sales item.
DetailsSitcom by Paul Barnhill and Neil Warhurst, set in a retail park. 4/5. Can Mick save Sonya from a fate worse than working at the Retail Village?
DetailsSitcom by Paul Barnhill and Neil Warhurst, set in a retail park.