
EastEnders - 16/03/2009

Logo for EastEnders - 16/03/2009

Ronnie and Roxy’s arrest is on the Gazette’s cover. Another election candidate, Mohinder, tells Peggy there’s to be a debate that night. Ronnie accuses Peggy of putting the election above family, but Dot and Roxy persuade Peggy to carry on. At the debate Peggy’s speech starts badly; but boosted by Ronnie’s arrival she talks from her heart. The speech is a resounding success. At the Vic Archie tells everyone how proud he is, but as he proposes a toast to Peggy she collapses…. Jack’s unhappy to see Amy with Danielle. Danielle wants to babysit that night but Roxy’s unsure. Ronnie thinks Danielle should stay away from babies because she’s had an abortion. Danielle becomes angry with Ronnie. Charlie wants to paint his sun-lounger so Mo sneaks Chops out of the summerhouse. Danielle takes Charlie’s paint and goes to Ronnie’s flat. Ronnie tells Jack that Roxy destroyed his credit card. Jack offers Roxy a replacement, Ronnie tells him Roxy doesn’t want it, Jack realises Roxy’s unsure. Shirley and Heather prepare an early St Patrick’s Day party in the Vic. When Minty tells Heather they need to talk she thinks he wants her back. He corners her at the party as she’s about to sing. Mo and Charlie take to the stage, but Heather’s still wearing her microphone and her conversation with Minty is heard through the speakers. Heather tries to kiss Minty but he tells her he’s met someone else. Shirley rushes in and throws Minty out. When Mo shows Billy Bert’s postcards from Las Vegas, Billy wonders where Jay’s living. Jane watches a Lollywood film with Masood. On the way home they dance together but are interrupted by a call from Ian. He’s made a romantic meal to make up for ‘boobgate’. Later, at the Vic Ian’s made to sing karaoke.