
EastEnders - 15/12/2008

Logo for EastEnders - 15/12/2008

Ricky’s alerted by Dot to an article in the Jewish Weekly. Ricky reveals to Billy and then Pat that a Judith Bernstein’s getting married. Pat’s confused until she sees the picture. It’s Janine. Bianca admits to Ricky that she can’t stop seeing Whitney and Tony together. Whitney overhears and when Bianca sees her she feels guilty. Bianca goes to apologise but Whitney’s not in her room. Panicking, Bianca tells Ricky who goes to look for her. Bianca finds Tony’s birthday card from Whitney and she wonders how innocent Whitney is in the whole affair. Ricky admonishes her. Bianca must step up as mum. Whitney returns and Bianca apologises. Suzy freaks when Ahmet threatens her about returning his gold. She tells Phil who agrees to deal with him. Phil and Ahmet square up to each other. Phil hands him money to go away. Ahmet refuses it but when Phil reveals that Suzy’s pregnant he accepts the money. Ahmet confronts Suzy. He demands that she rip Phil off and give him the money or he’ll tell Phil about her pregnancy scam. Roxy worries to Christian about the missing paternity test. She’s afraid Sean knows and when she sees that he isn’t at the hospital she panics. Sean arrives and admits that he’s concerned that they won’t be able to look after Amy. Roxy hears from Christian that he has the test. Ben found it. Roxy’s relieved. Dot ropes Heather into organising a carol concert with her. Heather designs posters but they’re terrible. Dot finds Whitney hiding in the launderette and encourages her to design the posters. Whitney has fun doing it and opens up to Dot that she thought Tony loved her. Dot says that it’s not her fault. Whitney leaves and Dot shows off the posters. Heather reveals that Jim can come home for Christmas. Dot’s pleased. If you are affected by any of the issues in this episode of EastEnders, information regarding sources of help, support and advice can be found at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/eastenders/news/news_20081104.shtml.