
EastEnders - 09/10/2009

Logo for EastEnders - 09/10/2009

Dr Al tells Jean to go home and keep Stacey there; he’ll call the emergency duty team. Jean finds Stacey cowering in the dark. Stacey decides to leave and runs upstairs to pack. Jean tries to persuade Stacey to take her medication, Stacey starts swallowing all her tablets at once. Jean drags Stacey to the bathroom and makes her throw up. Stacey admits she’s scared. She tells Jean she saw her father the other day, Jean gently reminds her that he’s dead. Stacey decides to go to the Brannings’ to apologise to Bradley before he leaves. Stacey tells Bradley she’s been seeing a little girl, the daughter they could have had. Syd wants Stacey to leave.When Stacey says she’s got every right to talk to Bradley, he’s her husband, Syd replies that he’s not. Bradley tells Stacey they’re officially divorced. Upset, Stacey follows Syd and Bradley outside and Bradley tells her to go away. Returning home, Stacey finds Dr Al, the duty team and police with Jean. They tell her she needs to spend some time in hospital. Panicked, Stacey runs outside. Everyone’s gathered outside the Vic to wave off Bradley and Syd. One of the policemen grabs Stacey and drags her towards the police car. Stacey shouts to Bradley. Bradley tries to go to her but Syd steers him towards their taxi. Stacey’s driven away, as Jean watches, heartbroken. Ronnie asks Joel why he hadn’t mentioned his vasectomy and in turn he asks why she thought she was pregnant. Ronnie confirms his worst fears, claiming she only wanted him in order to have another baby, another Danielle. Ronnie tells Joel to go and starts to pack his things. Producing a ring, Joel proposes. Ronnie throws his bags out the window, along with Danielle’s locket.