Continuing the adventures of the four human survivors of Starship Challenger, written by James Follett
Dragged into an artificial black hole, the Challenger crew must face Spaceguard Six. Stars Sean Arnold and Haydn Wood.
DetailsThe starship Challenger's crew finally locate their planet - but what will they find? Stars Sean Arnold and Michael Maloney.
DetailsThe crew of spaceship Challenger's search is over - but Earth is not how they left it. Stars Sean Arnold and Amanda Murray.
DetailsTelson and Darv make contact with the Earth ship, but the response is unexpected. James Follett's space epic stars Sean Arnold.
DetailsAn Android built by the Challenger's computers suffers severe logic failure. Stars Sean Arnold and Amanda Murray.
DetailsThe crew of Challenger face a new threat when Bran takes over command. James Follett's space epic stars Michael Maloney.
DetailsOn an abandoned artificial sun, the Challenger crew probe the power in charge. James Follett's space epic stars Sean Arnold.
DetailsWith the Angel computers weakened, the starship is plunging into a black hole. Stars Sean Arnold and Amanda Murray.
DetailsThe victorious crew believe they've outwitted the Angels and wait out the flood. James Follett's space epic stars Sean Arnold.
DetailsThe Challenger crew's settled life on planet 'Paradise' is soon to be shattered. James Follett's space epic stars Sean Arnold.