
Doctor Who: The Commentaries

Logo for Doctor Who: The Commentaries

Cast and crew members discuss the making of the TV series

logo for Doctor Who: The Commentaries - 28/12/2008
Doctor Who: The Commentaries - 28/12/2008

The Doctor Who cast and crew discuss the Christmas Special, The Next Doctor.

logo for Doctor Who: The Commentaries - Planet of the Dead
Doctor Who: The Commentaries - Planet of the Dead

All the inside info you could possibly ask for, as the Doctor Who cast and crew discuss the Easter Special, Planet Of The Dead.

logo for Doctor Who: The Commentaries - Series 1
Doctor Who: The Commentaries - Series 1

Cast and crew members discuss the making of the TV series

logo for Doctor Who: The Commentaries - The End of Time
Doctor Who: The Commentaries - The End of Time

The Dr Who cast and crew discuss episode 1 of The End of Time.

logo for Doctor Who: The Commentaries - The End of Time
Doctor Who: The Commentaries - The End of Time

The cast and crew discuss the TV episode of The End of Time.

logo for Doctor Who: The Commentaries - The Waters of Mars
Doctor Who: The Commentaries - The Waters of Mars

David Tennant and executive producers Russell T Davies and Julie Gardner share the inside story of BBC TV's latest Doctor Who adventure.
