Classic sci-fi drama first shown in 1963, following the Timelord's adventures on the planet Skaro, where he encounters the peaceful, non-agressive Thals and the destructive and emotionless Daleks.
Classic sci-fi drama first shown in 1963. After escaping the Dalek cell, the Doctor and his companions realises that the Daleks still have the Tardis' fluid link.
DetailsClassic sci-fi drama following the Timelord's adventures on the planet Skaro. The crew don't want to visit the great city, but the Doctor gets his own way.
DetailsClassic sci-fi drama first shown in 1963. The Doctor and his companions decide to hatch a plan to escape from the Dalek cell.
DetailsClassic sci-fi drama first shown in 1963. Ian, Barbara and the Thals go through a treacherous swamp of mutations in order to infiltrate the Dalek city in secret.
DetailsClassic sci-fi drama first shown in 1963. Ian, Barbara and the Thals push on through a dangerous cave system leading to the Dalek city.
DetailsClassic sci-fi drama first shown in 1963. Antodus survives the cliff fall and Ian rescues him. The Daleks are destroyed when their electrical power is cut off.
DetailsClassic sci-fi drama first shown in 1963. The travellers have been captured by the Daleks and the Doctor confesses to lying about the fluid link.