Animation. Dennis lives in Beanotown with Mum, Dad, little sister Bea and his pet dog Gnasher. Gnasher is more than a dog to Dennis: he is a kindred spirit. Whatever Dennis does, Gnasher does with him. Together with their friends Curly and Pie Face, Dennis and Gnasher believe the world truly is their oyster and that kids should make the rules. Not everyone agrees, including Mum and Dad, but Dennis and Gnasher are not going to let that stand in the way of their pursuit of fun! Dennis creates some cream to make his skateboard go faster, but when he tests it out he accidentally hurts Sergeant Slipper. In order to get out of trouble, Dennis pretends he's had a bump to the head and starts talking gobbledygook, so Dad takes him to hospital. Dennis is proud he's got himself out of trouble, but when he has to stay in hospital overnight, he realises he's made things much worse for himself. No dogs, steamed cabbage and Walter as the hospital DJ - Dennis realises that he should have taken the punishment in the first place.