Dead Gorgeous follows the comical adventures of three beautiful, strong-willed teenaged sisters - who just happen to be ghosts! The Ainsworth sisters, Rebecca, Sophie and Hazel, died in the mid 1800s and are given a second chance to experience life as teenagers 150 years later. As such, they are three very refined, but spirited, Victorian girls, trying to fit into a society totally alien to the one they have known. However hard they may try to fit in and not call attention to themselves, they will always stand out a bit from the crowd. All is running smoothly for Ainsbury School's 'Week of Culture' until a dusty antique box in the drama class is opened releasing a cheeky spirit called a Baharee. Driving people to do strange things, the Baharee soon causes chaos amongst the students and teachers. It's up to the Ainsworth sisters to sort it out.