Dead Gorgeous follows the comical adventures of three beautiful, strong-willed teenaged sisters - who just happen to be ghosts! The Ainsworth sisters, Rebecca, Sophie and Hazel, died in the mid 1800s and are given a second chance to experience life as teenagers 150 years later. As such, they are three very refined, but spirited, Victorian girls, trying to fit into a society totally alien to the one they have known. However hard they may try to fit in and not call attention to themselves, they will always stand out a bit from the crowd. Sophie is upset to learn that a new sports facility is going to be built on the site of the old stables at the school. She immediately sets about trying to find ways to halt the building work and in doing so is possessed by a ghost with a score to settle. It's a race against time for her sisters to save her from the power of another and almost certain expulsion.