Donald Macleod explores the life and work of Robert Schumann. He uses the fascinating first-hand account of a man who knew the Romantic composer well - his first biographer Wilhelm von Wasielewski
Donald focuses on Schumann's formative years and discovers how as a young man he couldn't make up his mind whether to become a lawyer, writer, pianist or composer.
DetailsDonald Macleod focuses on the disorders that plagued Schumann for much of his life, as well as the nail-biting saga of his engagement to Clara Wieck.
DetailsDonald Macleod focuses on Robert Schumann's nerve-racking love life and the surreal story of his journey towards becoming a pianist.
DetailsDonald Macleod discusses Schumann's move to Dusseldorf with its neighbouring mental asylum. And he reveals the tragic end to the composer's life - incarcerated in a mental asylum.
DetailsDonald Macleod focuses on two unsettling strands in Schumann's life in the late 1840s - his precarious mental health and the revolution in his new home town of Dresden.