Donald Macleod explores the life and controversial work of Richard Wagner. His life was every bit as much of a titanic saga as the epic music dramas which he created
Donald Macleod explores Wagner's exile in Switzerland, including a period of intense creativity.
DetailsDonald Macleod discovers why Richard Wagner took a 12-year break from his work on the Ring cycle. Plus an assessment of the composer's legacy.
DetailsDonald Macleod explores how Wagner's talent for escaping trouble hit new heights thanks to a new King of Bavaria.
DetailsDonald Macleod explores Wagner's early works, focusing on the fiasco of his opera debut Das Liebesverbot and Rienzi, which enjoyed more success, putting his name on the map.
DetailsDonald Macleod considers why Wagner shared the revolutionary spirit of 1830s Germany with its political, social, artistic and moral changes. Plus the revolutionary Tristan chord.