Donald Macleod explores the life and works of Russian composer and music critic Nicolay Myaskovsky
Donald Macleod explores Myaskovsky's childhood, affected by the army background of his father and the religious mania of his aunt. With the Tchaikovsky-influenced Cello Concerto.
DetailsDonald Macleod traces Myaskovsky's entry and studies at the St Petersburg Conservatoire, where he became friends with Prokofiev.
DetailsDonald Macleod explores the impact on Myaskovsky's music of the First World War and the changing social and political mood in Russia.
DetailsDonald Macleod charts how Myaskovsky began to be persecuted, as he was labelled as 'formalist' and 'anti-people'.
DetailsDonald Macleod charts Myaskovsky's final, embittered years, as he was driven to an early grave through persecution.