
Composer of the Week - George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) - Episode 1

Logo for Composer of the Week - George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) - Episode 1

George Frideric Handel (1685-1759) Handel in London: 5 Musical Walks 1/5. Donald Macleod embarks on his first walk through Handel's London, featuring the composer's home of 36 years and its immediate environs. He begins with a guided tour of the Handel House Museum on Brook Street, then visits St George's Hanover Square, the church in which Handel worshipped, played the organ and rented a pew. The final stop is Carlisle Street in Soho and the 18th century offices of Private Eye magazine, where art director Tony Rushton talks about his passion for former resident JC Smith, Handel's friend and amanuensis. Hallelujah Chorus (Messiah) The English Concert Choir The English Concert Trevor Pinnock (harpsichord/director) Verdi prati; Mi Lusinga; Sta nell'Ircana (Alcina) Ann Murray (mezzo-soprano) Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment Charles Mackerras (conductor) Honour and arms scorn such a foe (Samson) Bryn Terfel (bass-baritone) Scottish Chamber Orchestra Charles Mackerras (conductor) Fugue in B flat Jennifer Bate (organ) The Triumph of Time and Truth (Act 2 excerpt) Gillian Fisher (soprano) Charles Brett (countertenor) Stephen Varcoe (bass) London Handel Choir and Orchestra Denys Darlow (conductor).