Dramatisation by Shelagh Stephenson of the novel by JG Farrell. It is 1857 and British rule in India is under siege. A series of attacks has all but destroyed the Residency at Krishnapur. Now swamped with squabbling civilians, the Collector is unsure how much longer his defences can hold out. Hopkins, The Collector ...... Alex Jennings Fluery ...... Ben Askew Prince Hari ...... Shiv Grewal Harry Dunstaple ...... Matt Addis Louise Dunstaple ...... Jasmine Hyde Dr Dunstaple ...... Malcolm Tierney Mrs Dunstaple ...... Caroline Guthrie Willoughby ...... Sam Dale Miriam ...... Janice Acquah Dr MacNab ...... Stephen Hogan The Padre ...... Philip Fox Cutter ...... Jonathan Tafler Lieutenant Peterson ...... Paul Rider Lucy Hughes ...... Lizzy Watts Directed by Eoin O'Callaghan.