
Chris Hawkins - Harvest Mooning

Logo for Chris Hawkins - Harvest Mooning

Haven't heard the Hawk show before? Well, if you're an early riser you could help Chris, and his long-suffering producer Slev, pick a 5.15 track - the first request of the day on 6 Music - you can pick anything you like. There's also a BBC weather forecast from one of the forecasters off the telly - it really is a weather report like no other. And if you like useless bits of musical information then The Rockbook Files will fill you in on what happened on this day in history. Plus you can pick your Exit Music for when you leave the house, or work. Lovely Anne in Cardiff chose The Lemonheads to see her on her way today. However, we think the best part of the show has to be the ridiculous chat in between the great records, new and old. This morning Hawk played Neil Young, Sparks, The Stranglers, !!!, The Chemical Brothers, and Spiritualized.