
Choral Evensong - 30/12/2009

Logo for Choral Evensong - 30/12/2009

Live from Eton College Chapel, with the Rodolfus Choir. Introit: Et incarnatus est (Mass in B minor) (Bach) Responses: Reading Psalms: 147, 148, 149, 150 (Stanford, Walmisley, Hanforth, Goodenough) First Lesson: Isaiah 59 vv1-15a Magnificat: Buxtehude Second Lesson: John 1 vv19-28 Nunc Dimittis: Michael Praetorius Anthem: Sanctus (Mass in B minor) (Bach) Hymn: A great and mighty wonder (Es ist ein' Ros' entsprungen) Organ Voluntary: Chorale Prelude on Vater unser im Himmelreich, BWV682 (Bach) Director of music: Ralph Allwood Organist: David Goode.