
Choral Evensong - 26/08/2009

Logo for Choral Evensong - 26/08/2009

From the Priory Church, Edington, Wiltshire, during the 2009 Festival of Music within the Liturgy. Responses: Gibbons and Barnard Office Hymn: Lucis Creator optime (Plainsong) Psalms: 42, 43 (Wesley) First Lesson: Genesis 22 vv1-18 Magnificat for double choir (Stanford) Second Lesson: Romans 8 vv28-39 Nunc Dimittis for double choir (Wood) Anthem: Most glorious Lord of Lyfe (Francis Jackson) - Festival commission Final Hymn: Love's redeeming work is done (Savannah) Organ Voluntary: Chorale Prelude on Croft's 136th (Parry) Organist: Ashley Grote Conductors: Andrew Carwood, Matthew Martin, Jeremy Summerly.