Tagh sia deugairean, òran luaidh, cuir ris a sin DJ, fà g iad ann a stiùidio chlà raidh agus de gheibh thu? Mìle Marbhaisg air a' Ghaol ann an stoidhl' ùr airson an là diugh neo am bi seo a' dol gu tur ceà rr? Coimhead orra a' dèanamh bhidio-ciùil san stiùideo cuideachd - air Breab a-mhà in! Take six teens and one walking song, add a DJ and let it all loose in a recording studio and what do you get? Mìle Marbhaisg air a' Ghaol - funked up and remixed for the noughties, or is this the moment when trad goes bad? Watch the making of their studio music video too.