Tha an fharpais san dùthaich a' fàs nas inntinniche is tha buannachadh gu math cudthromach oir gheibh an sgioba a chailleas obair 'sgudal' ri dhèanamh. Airson na dùbhlainsa feumaidh na deugairean tòrr earbsa a chur ann a chèile - am biodh tu fhèin deònach 4x4 a' dhraibheadh le còmhdaich sùilean ort, le cuideigin air nach eil thu glè eòlach gad stiùireadh? The country competition builds. It's all to play for, as the losing team will end up with a rubbish task to perform. The challenges in the great outdoors are designed to test the teammates' trust in each other. Would you fancy driving a four-by-four blindfolded, being guided by someone you barely know?