Tha na deugairean a' gabhail 'T-Breab' aig 'T in the Park' is tha iad deiseil airson a h-uile cà il le speuclairean-grèine is bòtannan. 'S e an dùbhlan a th'aca a bhith a' dèanamh prògram air beatha an fhèis. Saoil am faigh iad agallamh le còmhlan-ciùil is ùine a chur seachad cuide ri muinntir an 'A-liost'? The teens are at the T in the Park festival. They've packed their sunglasses and their waterproofs, just in case. Their challenge is to make and present a programme about festival life. Can they secure an interview with a band and kick it with A-list 'musos'?