
Book of the Week - The Winter of Our Disconnect - Episode 1

Logo for Book of the Week - The Winter of Our Disconnect - Episode 1

By Susan Maushart. How one mother imposed techno-silence on three angry teenagers for six months - and lived to tell the tale.. For anyone who's ever taken their phone to bed or sneaked a look at their Blackberry mid-conversation and any parent who has ever texted their child to the dinner table - or yanked the modem from its socket in a show of primal parental rage - this account of a family's six-month, self-imposed exile from the Information Age will leave you ROFLing (Roll on the Floor Laughing) with recognition. But it will also challenge you to take stock of your own connections, technical and otherwise. The news of the impending techno silence is broken to the family and is greeted with various shades of shock, outrage and bitterness. Susan Maushart is the digitally-devoted, iphone obsessed mother of three teenage children - two girls and one boy. Reader: Haydn Gwynne Producer: Clive Brill A Pacificus production for BBC Radio 4.