Tom Baker narrates an entertaining romp through the five decades of the world's longest running children's television programme. Presenting teams are reunited to spill the beans on the fun and mishaps that went on during their time on Blue Peter. They include the iconic team of John Noakes, Valerie Singleton and Peter Purves. Plus we hear from numerous others including Lesley Judd, Peter Duncan, Simon Groom, Janet Ellis, Sarah Greene, Mark Curry, Anthea Turner, Tim Vincent, Richard Bacon, Katy Hill, Konnie Huq, Gethin Jones, Simon Thomas and Matt Baker. Jonathan Ross, Lewis Hamilton and Nick Park talk about what the show means to them and how proudly they wear their Blue Peter badges, while the show's longest serving member of staff and daredevil director Alex Leger talks about the multitude of action films and some near death experiences he shot over the last four decades, including the famous John Noakes Nelson's Column film. There are anecdotes, mishaps, badges, makes, action and adventure, appeals, pets and outtakes and reminders of the huge interaction Blue Peter has always had with its audience. Many of the archive clips have never been shown since the original transmission. Shifting social attitudes are evident throughout the decades. John Noakes boxing with a kangaroo, Val showing off fur coats, sherry tasting and meat racing plus numerous items on taxidermy. None of which would make in onto the screen of a children's show these days. With new animal classics; a pack of St Bernards, a pooing snake, and a pig, who all wreaked havoc on the programme. There's also a first showing of an outtake where one of the pets bit a nearly nude Peter Duncan's bottom.