Remake of the classic children's series, featuring two mischievous flowerpot men and their friend Weed.
Remake of the classic children's series featuring the two flowerpot men. When Bill and Ben search the garden for a wooden draught, they hear strange sounds.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring two mischievous flowerpot men. Bill and Ben are worried that Garden Gnome does not have any friends.
DetailsRemake of the classic series featuring the mischievous flowerpot men. Weed invents the Keeping Quiet and Still game for noisy Bill and Ben to play.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring two mischievous puppets and their friends. Tad has been playing tricks on Bill and Ben.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring the mischievous flowerpot men. Bill and Ben make a sledge and find out how magical Whimsy's cobwebs can be.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring two mischievous puppetsand their friends. While playing hide and seek, Ben discovers the cellar.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring two mischievous flowerpot men and their friends. Bill and Ben decide to make a cloud.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring two mischievous flowerpot men and their friends. Tad, the frog next door, moves in and soon tires Bill and Ben out.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring the mischievous flowerpot men and friends. Ben stays up late to see the new moon and catches a nasty cold.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring the flowerpot men. The arrival of a pretty doll causes trouble for Bill and Ben as they compete for her affections.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring two mischievous flowerpot men. Slowcoach is not impressed by the drawings made by Bill and Ben.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring the mischievous flowerpot men. Slowcoach's brother comes to stay, but proves to be an unwelcome guest.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series featuring the mischievous flowerpot men. When Slowcoach tells Bill and Ben about igloos, they make one for themselves.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring the mischievous flowerpot men. Though the garden is covered in snow, Bill and Ben decide to have a game of football.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring two mischievous flowerpot men and their friends. Bill and Ben hear lots of interesting noises in the garden.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series. Bill and Ben find a magnet, which helps them to find Slowcoach's lost spectacles.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series. Bill and Ben enjoy their new game so much that they forget they are supposed to be looking after Scamper's baby nephew.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring two mischievous flowerpot men and their friends. Bill and Ben try to catch a rainbow.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series. Bill and Ben learn how to make their own telephone with tin cans and string, and use it to rescue one of their friends.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring two mischievous flowerpot men. Bill and Ben fall out with one another while playing Chase the Carrot.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring two mischievous puppets and their friends. Bill and Ben rescue Rose from a garden sprinkler.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series featuring two mischievous flowerpot men. Bill, Ben and their friends prepare a special birthday surprise for Weed.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series. When Bill and Ben go climbing with Tad, they find they are frightened of heights until Whimsy the spider comes to help.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring two mischievous men and their friends. A remote-control car appears in the garden.
DetailsRemake of the classic children's series, featuring two mischievous flowerpot men and their friends. Bill and Ben take part in a sports contest in the snowy garden.