
Big and Small - Series 2 - The Book of Big

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The adventures of two unlikely friends. Big is enthralled by the The Book of Biggests, Bests and Firsts and is excited when Small suggests he do something impossible or amazing to appear in the book himself. Big decides that he is a great swinger on swings and if he can swing for two days and two nights without stopping he can beat the current record and be listed in the book. Big swings once, twice, three times, four, five - he reaches two thousand and sixty two and is obviously tiring. Small appears to cheer him on, but is shocked when Big falls asleep and stops swinging. Small is worried that Big will be really upset when he wakes up and finds that he hasn't broken the record for swinging... But Small has an idea and rushes off. When Big wakes up, he is sad about falling asleep and thinks that he will never be good enough to be in a book. However, Small reveals that Big is already in a book: The Big Book of Big. Small has made a book listing all of Big's achievements: biggest toe, best piano player. Big adds the record that Small is The Best Friend Ever and the book is complete.