
Big and Small - Series 2 - Blame it on the Drain

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The adventures of two unlikely friends. Big and Small are drawing using their beautiful box of multi coloured crayons. Well, Big is using all the colours but Small is using only one colour: Glowing Green. He just loves Glowing Green; it's the best colour in the history of colours! In his excitement he swings his arms into the air and accidentally lets go of the crayon, which spins across the room and down the drain. Small is shocked. He will never get over losing Glowing Green, never, ever ever. Big, not wanting to see Small so upset, tries to retrieve the missing crayon. He unscrews the drainpipes. He takes the sink off the wall. He goes outside and lifts up the house - and underneath they find the crayon! However, when Big waves his hands in excitement at finding Glowing Green he accidentally lets go. The crayon spins across the garden and is lost in the grass. Big goes off to find it... Meanwhile, Small starts to doodle with red, then blue, then orange, then pink... Big comes in later, covered in grass but triumphantly holding up the missing Glowing Green. He is startled to see that Small is now using all the other crayons. But Small takes the crayon from Big to add a few green strokes to his latest picture - which is a portrait of Big, purple but now speckled with grass.