The adventures of two unlikely friends. Big has invented a Mad-O-Meter that can sense when people are being cranky with each other. To his and Small's surprise they have detected a row between the two Frogs down at the pond. Big tries to calm them down without success. Small thinks he has quietened them for a while - but the Frogs come up to the house and start croaking at each other more loudly than ever. Big decides he must think like a frog to understand what is causing their argument. Small, however, just moves all their furniture down to the pond, which is now the quietest place! When thinking like a Frog doesn't seem to help the situation Small suggests that Big should look like a Frog and wear a hat like the Frogs... On hearing the word 'hat' Big suddenly realises what has been the problem. Somehow the Frogs have ended up wearing each other's hats! A simple swap and peace is restored. Although Big and Small are left with their bed on the banks of the pond..