
Being Human - Series 2 - Episode 3

Logo for Being Human - Series 2 - Episode 3

Comedy-drama series about three twenty-something housemates trying to live normal lives, despite struggling with unusual afflictions - one is a werewolf, one is a vampire and the other is a ghost. They face a human threat in the form of the mysterious Professor Jaggat and the cold-hearted Kemp. Jaggat and Kemp are fundamentalist Christians who have discovered the existence of vampires, werewolves and ghosts - and are determined to destroy them or carry out brutal experiments upon them. They believe that vampires are the Devil incarnate and must be destroyed; that werewolves contain an evil gene that can be removed by violent scientific experiments; and that ghosts must be forced over to the other side whether they like it or not. With the vampires in chaos, Mitchell is forced to impose order, a task that proves incompatible with his love life. George, reeling from Nina's departure, takes his mind off things by helping Annie in her mission to play Cupid.